At the end of the season, Goran Dragic will be playing for the ________.
Ehsan Kassim: Houston Rockets. Dragic returning to the Rockets to play in Mike D’Antoni’s offense would be a thrill to watch. The Rockets, even after losing Dwight Howard, should be a force to be reckoned with in the West. Adding Dragic at the trade deadline will help them challenge the Warriors, but they ultimately fall short.
Chris Posada: I have the Heat winning 43 games, so I’ll say Miami. But let’s say they don’t, then I’ll go with Dallas or Houston. Kings will likely kick the tires, but they won’t have a pick to trade until 2020 at the earliest. Both the Mavs and Rockets have flexibility with picks to offer, plus could use an upgrade at point guard.
Simon Smith: Miami Heat. Dragic will excel this season, and will be competing alongside Whiteside for an all-star debut. All things going well, Dragic will play at such a high level that any offers the Heat receive for Dragic will be shot down immediately.
Allana Tachauer: Hopefully Miami. I absolutely do not want to trade him, for tanking purposes or otherwise. Obviously by the trade deadline, things could end up going left… But I think that this season, will really be Goran’s time to shine. He can finally run the offense his way, and has young enough guys behind him to keep up #TEAMDRAGON
Cory Sanning: Miami Heat. It’s hard seeing Dragic struggle this season. Wade (8th last season in total usage rate) is gone, and the Dragon is now the primary ball handler. All-NBA Third team just three seasons ago, he will excel in the open court and regain some of that swagger he carried in his Phoenix days. Who knows? Maybe he’ll suit up alongside Whiteside in New Orleans come February.
Kristopher Keaton: Dallas Mavericks. It’s just hunch but Mark Cuban went hard after Mike Conley to stabilize his PG position and add some tempo to the roster. Dragic would do both of those things as well at a cheaper price tag. I don’t know how likely it would be, but if Dragic isn’t long for Miami, Cuban might get involved.
Wes Goldberg: He’ll be playing for the hearts of Miami Heat fans everywhere, because they will have fallen in love with the up-tempo point guard from Slovenia.