LeBron James Re-Tweets Racist Comments He’s Received: Yahoo! Sports’ Kelly Dwyer Doesn’t Get It

I just read a piece by Yahoo! Sports’ Kelly Dwyer that pretty much sums up exactly why I think the man is a total a-hole, not to mention a complete buffoon.

The article, LeBron James Re-Tweets Nasty, Racist Comments Sent to Him illustrates precisely why this moron shouldn’t have a job writing at all, let alone on a national stage.

In the piece, he details how LeBron James has taken, as the quote from ESPN’s Brian Windhorst put it, “the unusual step of re-tweeting some hateful Twitter messages to his 900,000 followers on Tuesday afternoon.”

Now, I for the life of me can’t see how him doing so is an “unusual step”. I mean, is Brian Windhorst (and by proxy since he included the quote in his piece, Kelly Dwyer) trying to truly imply no one does such a thing? I know plenty of people who do just that when they get Tweets from a-holes.

Of course, LeBron James is a celebrity, and perhaps these two idiots are trying to say this just doesn’t happen among celebrities. I’d be hard-pressed to believe that, but if they were to provide me with ample evidence, even a solid statement saying they’d researched the matter and couldn’t find any (or many) celebrities who’ve released or ‘re-tweeted’ hateful messages from whackos at times to prove a point then I’ll maybe believe them.

Dwyer goes further than just implying this isn’t something that is your typical fare. He’s actually gone so far as to say LeBron “doesn’t have to observe any sort of un-moderated community that would lead to these sort of nasty, distressing comments.”

Basically, he’s saying LeBron subjected himself to the hate. As he puts it himself, “So while I appreciate the insight in what he has to slog through every day, understand that it’s his choice to slog through it, and nobody else’s.”

He comes to this conclusion basically because he believes there’s no good reason to read anything from fans. As he later states proudly in his article, “I don’t read the comment sections on this website, and I don’t take a second look at the sometimes-daily Tweets I get from morons who might (all at once) confuse my gender, sexuality and the amount of effort I put into my job.”

I’m guessing I’m one of those guys he considers a moron. I’ve regularly been confused over his gender and sexuality, as I believe he’s a pussified little girl, although as to wondering about how much effort he puts into his work, I’m pretty confident (and not confused at all) that he doesn’t put much into it.

He’s a shoddy journalist, and a crappy writer, and his implied assertions that LeBron is only subjected to the hate from his Twitter account because he has an account and actually reads it, are the remarks of a cowardly knucklehead. I don’t doubt he doesn’t read many of the comments on his articles, for if he did, he’d likely find that most of them are statements from people who believe he’s a complete idiot and jerk.

One thing these Tweets have shown, and I believe was precisely why LeBron released them, was that his earlier statements that race and racism played a large role in the overwhelmingly negative reaction to his “Decision” to take his talents to South Beach to play for the Miami Heat; something I laid out in my piece, Stop Drinking Haterade: Animosity LeBron James Now Faces Based Mostly On Ignorant Racism.

Some people, as even Dwyer acknowledges, are simply freaks who haven’t yet joined the rest of us in the 21st century.