Tony Parker starts his drive on Chris Bosh. Meanwhile, Bosh and Duncan are on the left lower block, and LeBron and Kawhi are on the right lower block. The shooters that were once stationed at the corner three location are now on the wing area, so if Tony Parker drives and he gets help from Wade or Allen, Parker has an open shooter to pass to.
The other thing it does is prevent help defense (aka create space) from the wings on Parker.
Let me explain: the one thing that pretty much kills Miami right now is a three. Then it’s a five point game with 10 seconds left. Four points — is only somewhat impossible. But five points?!?! That’s not pushing the envelope, it’s pretty much game over (unless your name is Reggie Miller). Allen and Wade know this, so they are not going to help Chris Bosh on Parker’s drive to the hoop.