What’s next for Chris Bosh after the debut of his documentary?

After Chris Bosh released his first episode of a documentary series about his recovery, there are more questions than answers. Bosh is reportedly awaiting medical clearance by the Miami Heat, but the team has remained silent on his status. It seems things may be even more complicated than we originally thought. So what becomes of Bosh and the Heat? The All U Can Heat staff weighs in:
Before seeing Chris Bosh’s documentary episode for Uninterrupted, did you think his situation was as bad as it is?
Rich Nurse (@followthepen): Hearing him say that the Heat’s doctors basically told him to hang up his basketball shoes was new, but everything–from getting the union involved during the playoffs to the #BringBoshBack and his loyalty toast at Dwyane Wade’s farewell dinner–showed that the situation was sour.
Simon Smith (@SimonABenedict): Only knowing as much as what’s been made available, it didn’t really alter my view. A recurrence of blood clots requiring blood thinners etc is pretty damn serious.
Chris Posada (@cpotweetsstuff): I haven’t seen it, so I’m just going off what I’m hearing. The doctor giving his opinion is new information. But the doctor telling Bosh that his career was likely over sounds like someone giving a medical opinion based on experience. I think that’s what doctors do, but I’m not one.
It also sounds like something that would be a rational way of thinking, considering Bosh’s prognosis. Why Bosh is surprised by it is news to me.
Allana Tachauer (@AllanaTachauer): Yeah. I mean, I know both Bosh and the organization tried to keep things as hush-hush as they could, but a blood clot is a blood clot. It does not take a rocket scientist to understand the gravity of such a diagnosis.
Even if it (thankfully) did not have a chance to travel to his lung again. The episode certainly helped me realize how determined to play again Bosh really is though.
Kristopher Keaton (@kmkeaton2): Yeah, blood clots are never something to play with, for lack of a better phrase. The Heat hadn’t ever said that it looked like a real possibility for him to return, and that should have been the writing on the wall that it would be easy. The liability that surrounds the situation is immense, so the standoff should have been expected.