Although another batch of NBA rookies have officially arrived in the league, none are heading to South Florida via the Miami Heat. Nevertheless, the AllUCanHeat staff has a thing or two to say about the 2018 NBA Draft.
First things first: rank your top five Woj synonyms for “select”
Allana Tachauer (@AllanaTachauer): Let me first just say that if I’m being completely honest, Woj’s tweets were easily the best part of the night. Between the Heat not having a pick and absolutely no trades taking place outside of the draft itself, it was a bit of a snooze fest. But then came Woj, in all his glory. My top five favorites? “Unlikely to resist,” “enamored,” “tantalized,” “fixated” and “have no plans to pass on.”
Brandon Johnson (@bjtripleot): Is it awful that I “selectively” tuned them out after a while? Don’t get me wrong, Woj is a gem but sometimes I just want to pass on the theatrics and get to the nitty gritty. I come for the Wojbombs, and nothing else!
Dario Ramos (@RamosHeat305): My five in order are “tantalized,” “laser,” “fixated,” “unlikely to resist,” and “enamored”.
Ivan Mora (@moraivan): He had so many. “Tantalized” was a good one. “Zeroed” and “fixated” were also highlights, but the best one by far was “lasered in.” That one pretty much made the entire NBA Twitter world happy. I know it did me.
Rich Nurse (@followthepen): My top five would have to be “fixated”, “locked on”, “zeroed”, “tantalized” and “has a laser on.”
Editor’s Note: Lauren Gewirtz (@laurengewirtz) is currently overseas and was unable to follow Woj’s word games.