A Go-To and A Counter Move
When thinking about Giannis Antetokounmpo’s game, his go to move on most occasions has been the Euro-Step. When a player is as long, gangly, and athletic as The Freak is, the Euro-Step is about as unstoppable a move as they come. When the concept of the move is to fake out the defender by taking a long step in one direction, before quickly stepping to your desired location with the other leg, Giannis’s extreme length make’s it impossible for the defender to cover without fouling.
Although he isn’t as polished of a jump-shooter as you would have him to be, Antetokounmpo isn’t a one-trick pony either. Equipped with a ton of post moves, a spin move, and a long but deceptive cross-over among many other moves, Giannis has refined his attacking abilities off the dribble quite well.
With the knowledge he’s acquired to refine his own game, as well as the knowledge he’s acquire in successfully abusing opponents with said refinery’s, he should definitely be able to help Bam develop his own set of go-to moves as well. The ideal scenario would be to have Bam walk away from this reported offseason training scenario having acquired not only a sure-fire go-to move, but a counter move from that move that would allow him to keep defenders on their toes.