The Miami Heat have decently managed the volatility that is Dion Waiters over the past few seasons. Now, things just may be getting out of hand.
Things in Miami Heat land were supposed to be cool. Coming off of a mildly successful offseason and preseason campaign, it was supposed to be a time of joyous angst and optimism as they prepare to head into the regular season on Wednesday. It was, until well, it wasn’t.
Saturday night saw a very specific yet potentially cataclysmic turn of events, that could go on to have massive repercussions and/or blowbacks. Apparently, Dion Waiters made his way to the social media account of a well known Miami Heat fan profile.
After arriving on a certain post in particular, he obviously began to read the comments. Taking it a bit further than just reading them, Waiters began to actually respond to some of them. See for yourself, these are screen captures that Miami area radio personality Brendan Tobin posted to his own Twitter account.
As the tweet implies, he basically affirmed or obliged notions that would have him traded or waived by the team. He also basically said that Coach Spo was just the beneficiary of having great players.
Around the same time as the above exchanges were taking place in the comment sections of Instagram, Waiters was conjuring up his own message for the public. Here is a message posted to Waiters’ very own social media account.
— Brendan Tobin (@Brendan_Tobin) October 20, 2019
There are a few things to this whole escapade on Waiters’ behalf. This exchange comes just days after we detailed an instance where he also took to social media to sort of take a subliminal shot at the Miami Heat. As noted in Tobin’s tweet, it also comes right on the heels of an announcement that Waiters was suspended by the Miami Heat for conduct detrimental to the team.
We don’t know exactly what’s going on here, but things don’t look good. We should expect to see changes made in light of these events, although we can’t be sure of exactly how or when they will happen.
It’s unfortunate that he feels the way he does, as he really could have helped the team. We will just have to see how things play out.
He doesn’t appear to be happy, and that’s his right, but what’s new? What’s the most troubling issue is that he isn’t keeping it in house, which is the way matters such as these should be taken care of. Keep an eye on the scenario, it will be addressed promptly if we know Pat Riley like we think we do.