The greatest Miami Heat player of all time is entitled to a mistake. Aaron Gordon may have made one on his own though, in trying to bash Flash for his.
The slam dunk championship currently resides in the land of the Miami Heat. The Heat’s resident skywalker and aerial assault artist in Airplane Mode, Derrick Jones Jr, rightfully took home the title.
Now, “rightfully”, is where some people draw the line. A lot of people seem to believe that the greatest Miami Heat player ever, Dwyane Wade, cost Aaron Gordon that dunk contest. That is just not true though.
While the scoring situation was a bit hectic as things wrapped up, it shouldn’t have been that confusing. Aaron Gordon was not the better dunker in the final rounds.
Yes, he had received nearly all perfect scores up until that point. Yes, he sort of cleared Tacko Fall. Both of those are true.
However, his other tiebreaker round dunk was something that Derrick Jones Jr. had essentially already did in the rounds leading up to that final round. You also have to give hard credence to the fact that he didn’t “clear” Tacko Fall, he just barely got over him with a little help from Fall’s shoulder and even still, his shorts snagged the guy’s head.
I thought we were all passed this. I thought we had all seen the potential flaws and although some may have still disagreed, we were at peace with it.
Obviously not. Aaron Gordon still seems to hold a bit of resentment towards Flash specifically.
“How do we know this”, one might ask. Well, because Gordon put it out for the world to see. Here is his diss track to Dwyane Wade.
Gordon makes references to the Tacko Fall dunk, Dwyane Wade saluting him in the hallway, Commissioner Adam Silver telling him he was robbed, and celebrities such as Queen Latifah insinuating that he should have won. As a matter of fact, he took such pointed shots at Dwyane Wade, the Flash decided to immediately respond.
Well played WoW. Well played.
As they say, “When you shoot for the king, you better not miss”. We aren’t sure if Aaron Gordon missed, but whatever he hit, he sure made a lot of people mad in doing so. This might not be over though and we will be here to watch it all play out.