The Miami Heat are rolling in the second round of the playoffs, with a 2-0 series lead over the Bucks. With the rumors in the air, is Giannis paying attention?
The Miami Heat are in a place that not many people saw them in at all this season. Heck, even just a few months or so ago when this whole bubble experience kicked off, no one would have probably told you that they expected the Heat to be here.
While the players would tell you that they expected to be progressing, subsequently to a second-round matchup with the Conference and series favorited Milwaukee Bucks, even they couldn’t have imagined that they would be up 2-0 in said series.
Well, they are. They have a chance to increase that lead to a 3-0 advantage on Friday, after what was a dramatic Wednesday matchup.
Overcoming the referees and themselves, the Miami Heat were able to fight through adversity and still get the win. We were paying attention, we saw just how much it took to get that victory.
Were we the only ones paying attention though or that have been paying attention to what the Miami Heat are doing? Are we the only ones taking inventory of how they go about their business in these playoffs?
Certainly not, but more specifically, is there a certain free agent to be from Greece that is taking a special interest? Let the rumor mill tell it, either Miami or Toronto are the lead dogs to land the prized soon to be free agent we speak of, even going as far as to say it’s an “open secret” in Orlando.