"The Miami Heat have set a new bar in each of the last several seasons with their “City Edition” jerseys. The Miami Vice theme will be an era in sports jerseys that will forever go down as one of the greatest collections ever… bar none."
There are those that have their favorites, while there are also those that didn’t really like the latest issue, the Vice Versa, but the overwhelming majority seemed to appreciate the entire collection. From Vice Nights to the Sunset Vice, they were pretty spiffy get ups.
Now though, the latest iteration of Miami Heat “City Edition” jerseys have been released… or sort of, as there is a popular leak floating around the web-o-sphere. Here it is.
While the overwhelming majority seem to be “out” on this one, it does have a certain something about it. While the ransom note font, so to speak and as alluded to by many fans and users online, isn’t the most appealing at first, it does offer something that can only be categorized as “grow on” appeal.
The Miami Heat have killed the jersey game in the last few years, but that means there is pressure. Did it make diamonds or burst pipes in the latest iteration?
First off, that’s exactly as it sounds. Though not initially a thing of appreciation for them, they have begun to grow on me a bit over the last few days.
There is also something else about the uniform that helps. Note the operative word… “uniform”, not just the jersey but that’s where you have to hope that some of the content being produced on the topic is correct.
If these are the bottoms to the jersey pictured above, then the Miami Heat might have something on their hands. Dare it be said… a selling point?
Leaked images of the alternate Miami Heat jersey appear to be a cry for help. https://t.co/dxe6HRjATU
— Miami New Times (@miaminewtimes) August 25, 2021
Just like the gold trim that lines the jersey, Trophy Gold of the “Earned Edition” jerseys (that people also seem to hate, but are amazing), it also lines the solid black shorts and all-black, at that, outside of said trim. That is not only a nifty little detail, if the content is correct about that particular detail, but it’s something that could bring the whole thing together.
Also keep this in mind and perhaps you are hearing it here first! You might also be looking at their next complete uniform concept if the shorts are accurate, as a jersey entirely in black but with that Trophy Gold trim would be a great look too.
Think the “blackout” jerseys from the Big 3 Era, but with Gold accents and slight tweaks. That would be something special.
As for this latest potential edition though, it’s actually growing on me and not like fungus does. Besides, the nostalgia, homage, and unorthodox nature of the actual jersey are all actually emblematic of their owners.
It’s perfect… for them. Which is also another reason that it’s actually starting to not be all that bad.