14 games into the Miami Heat’s season but about a week before the Thanksgiving benchmark, it’s too many games to call analysis preemptive but not far enough along to freak out, unless you’re the Los Angeles Lakers.
Regardless, the East is looking like it might be even tougher than predicted at the top. Jayson Tatum is getting MVP buzz, the Bucks are plugging along as expected, and Cleveland is spewing with talent.
The Miami Heat, meanwhile, have positioned themselves in the middle of the pack, somewhere worse than tanking this year. There they sit with seven wins and seven losses, 0.0 adjusted net rating, 17th in adjusted offensive rating, and 14th in adjusted defensive rating per Dunks And Threes.
Statistically, it might be a little early to be too concerned, but something has to change if this team wants to contend or at least find their footing by Christmas. And here are a few options.