The Miami Heat have overachieved this season. While the talent has a ton to do with it, Coach Erik Spoelstra does too, which is one of many reasons to love him.
The Miami Heat were doing much better this season than anybody ever could have imagined they would have been prior to the start of the year. Although the hiatus associated with coronavirus has seemingly put a ton of angst and unknown into the equation, it was or is safe to say that when and if the NBA returns this season, the Miami Heat will have at least a little something to say about who eventually wins that title.
Only a year removed away from practically being in basketball purgatory, not good enough to win at the highest level but not bad enough to accrue to draft capital and the worst place to be for any professional sports franchise, the Miami Heat are a team brimming with hope at the moment. On top of the fabulous talent (Hello Jimmy Butler) they’ve added and the many hours of hard work the members of the team have put in to elevate their individual games, you have to give head coach Erik Spoelstra some of the credit there.
As if the 41-24 record weren’t enough this season, on a pace to win more games than they have in the last five and already surpassing or tieing the wins of three of those five seasons, his overall record of 564-387 should be enough to make you appreciate him. If the 59 percent winning percentage isn’t enough though, here are four more reasons you just have to love Spo.