The playoffs have a habit of unceremoniously and abruptly starting a team’s offseason, for which the Miami Heat are no exception. For a squad like them though, with high expectations and on the cusp of another Finals trip, trade option discussions are far from what the franchise or fans wanted at this time of year.
But alas, here we are, and for a team like the Heat with so much that clearly worked, a trade can carry some foreboding feelings. It’s akin to that moment of anxiety on a plane.
Unless you possess a fear of flying, the experience is relatively mundane. However, no matter how many flights one takes, there is the same moment of anxiety for a lot of people.
For a brief moment, the heart leaps into the throat as the airplane tears itself from the clutches of the ground, leaping skyward. There is a touch of doubt as the plane rolls up the wheels and makes its regularly scheduled push against gravity.
Then, the plane is off and away. You then begin munching on pretzels and reading your book, forgetting you were ever worried.