Simon Smith
Joined: Jul 6, 2016
I have been following the NBA since 1990. Like anyone at that time, I initially jumped onto the Michael Jordan Bulls bandwagon. At the time, games in Australia would be shown once per week, and they were never live. By the mid 90's and the internet boom, it became increasingly more accessible to follow the league on a daily basis - box scores, opinion articles etc were now at our fingertips.Following Jordan's second retirement, my passion for the NBA remained however I never really followed one team in particular. I first visited NYC in 2006 and had an affinity for the Knicks for a few years without ever being a fanatic.It just so happened to be that I was in Miami on the day that LeBron James announced that he was taking his talents to South Beach. It seemed as good a reason as any to begin following the Heat, and having visited the city now on multiple occasions, I am now officially a die-hard Heat supporter.Having the ability now to express my passion and opinions on all things Heat is a fantastic opportunity, and something I hope you see conveyed in the articles I produce.That's just a little bit about myself strictly as it relates to the Heat and all things NBA.