Today, the AllUCanHeat staff brings you a special edition of their Miami Heat Roundtable discussion.
Let’s start off with an obvious one: what are you most thankful for, in regards to the Miami Heat?
Allana Tachauer (@allanatachauer): Right now, I’m thankful for Josh Richardson. From his ongoing improvement, to his grind-it-out, gritty attitude, to his toothy grin, to his hilarious social media posts… there’s absolutely nothing not to love about the Miami Heat swingman. Even my dad, who rarely shows excitement about basketball in general, was raving about Richardson the other night, after I forced him to watch a game with me.
Rahmeaun Rahming (@Boneman9000): I’m thankful for president Pat Riley. He’s been a part of the franchise for as long as I can remember. He’s brought The Culture to the team, and the status that the team doesn’t mess around. You never hear weird rumors coming out of the locker room, a la Jimmy Butler in Minnesota or Markelle Fultz in Philly. I know there are people out there saying he’s washed up as a personnel decision maker and I can’t lie, the contracts the team is sitting on right now, only cloud the Heat’s future; but, I’m thankful nonetheless. I mean we could be the current Atlanta Hawks, or the pre Lob-City Clippers, so I’m also thankful the team is never that bad.
Priscilla Elliott Morganfield (@BaeOfAllTrades): I’m most thankful for the players that continue to push and give it their all, even though we aren’t winning games right now. These guys go out every night and give it 100 percent no matter what. Some teams, when they’re down and out, start to give less effort or just straight up stop playing. There are some players on the Heat team that refuse to lose until the very last second; those guys are what I’m thankful for.
Rohan Campbell (@theboyro): That we have an organization that does it best to give up a winning mentality. I know that right now, this team is average, and has some very questionable contracts. I think most teams would just “let the season play out” and see where they team stands at the end of the season. But at least the Heat tried to make a move and were very close to getting Jimmy Butler. It obviously didn’t work, but there hasn’t been any real negative stories or any bizarre situations with the team, in terms of that trade (hi Philly). The Heat don’t seem to content, and never will be.